Hosted by the Megagame Coalition & the Global Megagame Community!
What the heck are Monthly Digital Hootenannies?
Hootenannies are parties! And we’re having some! Once a month! Themed around Megagames! Digitally!
Join the rest of the community and celebrate our little corner of the nerd universe! Expect talks, games, social events, and more! Check out the full schedule below.
Click here to add the events to your Google calendar! Events every third Saturday of the month, throughout 2021.
Have an idea for a great Hootenanny event? We’ll don’t be a stranger now! Let us know on the Discord!
Hootenanny Schedule!

February Hootenanny
Kilogame: Montreal Protocol
February 20th
Join with others from the greater MG community for the inaugural Hootennany of 2021!
March Hootenanny
Megagame Digital Design Jam
March 20th
Design Jams are action-packed, high-energy days in which participants go from brainstorms to producing game prototypes.
If you’re curious about the design process, want to kick-start a design you’re interested in, or just love to be creative, than you’ll likely have a rootin-tootin good time!
If you’d like your game design to be the focus of a design session, let us know on the DIscord server!

April Hootenanny

Kilogames: The Assault & The Plan
May 17th
Kilogames are like megagames but smaller! Generally 5-20 players, and generally less than two hours. Come and experience great kilogames by the world’s most prolific megagame designer AND hang out with some cool cats!
For this Hootenanny, we’ll split everyone into smaller groups for a series of simultaneous kilogames! Specifically, Jim Wallman’s The Assault, and The Plan, before re-assembling for a casual hangout.
The Plan & The Assault are small, council-style megagames which simulate the negotiation phase before a grand military operation. They vary in setting and in detail but share a common theme of inter-organizational planning.
May Hootenanny
May 15th
Stay tuned to hear what excited events we have planned for future Hootennanies!
Have an idea that would make a great Hootenanny? Let us know! We’d love to collaborate!

June Hootenanny
June 19th
Stay tuned to hear what excited events we have planned for future Hootennanies!
Have an idea that would make a great Hootenanny? Let us know! We’d love to collaborate!
July Hootenanny
July 17th
Stay tuned to hear what excited events we have planned for future Hootennanies!
Have an idea that would make a great Hootenanny? Let us know! We’d love to collaborate!

August Hootenanny
August 21st
Stay tuned to hear what excited events we have planned for future Hootennanies!
Have an idea that would make a great Hootenanny? Let us know! We’d love to collaborate!
September Hootenanny
September 18th
Stay tuned to hear what excited events we have planned for future Hootennanies!
Have an idea that would make a great Hootenanny? Let us know! We’d love to collaborate!

October Hootenanny
October 16th
Stay tuned to hear what excited events we have planned for future Hootennanies!
Have an idea that would make a great Hootenanny? Let us know! We’d love to collaborate!
November Hootenanny
November 20th
Stay tuned to hear what excited events we have planned for future Hootennanies!
Have an idea that would make a great Hootenanny? Let us know! We’d love to collaborate!

December Hootenanny
December 18th
Stay tuned to hear what excited events we have planned for future Hootennanies!
Have an idea that would make a great Hootenanny? Let us know! We’d love to collaborate!