Forget the eco-disasters and corporate-state coups, it’s Draft Night for the world’s most popular (and profitable) sport!
Join up to 64 other players to define the culture of the sport, make lots of money, and draft the best players in competition to be the next World Champion!
Draft Night 3077 has come and gone – click here for information on the current season, and click here for links to the 3077 post-game media.
In the year 3077, the League holds nearly unparalleled cultural influence. But all is not well, many franchises are one bad season from bankruptcy, broader cultural debates are eroding the prestige of the pastime, and the rising popularity of Space Cricket threatens to dethrone the League’s spot as the world’s most popular sport.
Draft Night is a Fantasy Sports Draft for the World’s Most Popular Sci-Fi Sport
Players will run team franchises as Owners, General Managers (‘GMs’), Sabers (analysts), and Vice Presidents – each with slightly different roles and focuses throughout the event. Each franchise must analyze athlete stats, balance their budget, draft the best athletes, and push the franchise Owners (collectively known as ‘The Cabal’) to agree to adopt League policies which benefit their franchise.
At the end of the draft, the sports season will be simulated and the nest World Champions declared!
Click here for the full event schedule! (April 24th-26th)
Draft Night satirically looks at contemporary sports culture through the lens of dystopian sci-fi tropes, tonally similar to the What will Football Look Like in the Future series by SB Nation, the Blernsball segments of Futurama, or sci-fi bloodsport movies like Rollerball. It also highlights the important role of statistics in sports, in a similar manner to the Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game by Micheal Lewis (adapted into a movie). The broader background universe is a non-descript, kitchen-sink, sci-fi dystopia in the vein of Shadowrun, the Cyberpunk franchise, and others. Themes concerning the the societal impact of technology are similar to those seen in the new season of West World and Black Mirror. Consuming any of this media before the event is not required or encouraged from a game play perspective.
While the draft and sports elements in Draft Night are inspired by the drafts and functions of real world sports leagues, any likeness to real-world individuals is coincidental.
While there is no fee for signing up, the event will function as a pay-what-you-feel. $5 from every player will be donated to the International Committee of the Red Cross.
For any concerns, comments, or questions, don’t hesitate to email info@megagamecoalition.com.
Draft Night is the first in a series of online events planned in response to the ongoing lock-downs. Check out the other more magical and more historical online megagame events in the works here!