Below are some links to various blog posts, picture repositories, and after-action reports by Players, Volunteers, and Lead Organizers. If you have pictures you’d like to share or would like to write your own after-action report, let us know and we’ll link to it below!
Pictures! (click the megagame below)
- Watch the Skies!
- Heavy Reign
- Dragon Thrones
- Deephaven [no MGC pics taken]
- Alliance: Last Days [no MGC pics taken]
- Sickle: A Fan-Made Scythe Megagame
- Survival System
- By Coin & Dagger
- Den of Wolves (Sunday)
The High Shelf Gaming Podcast with Mark – Player & Volunteer MGC Moderator (Alliance: Last Days, Deephaven, By Coin & Dagger)
Megagame Assembly Podcast Interview with Witt & Seth of Seattle Megagames – Designers of By Coin & Dagger
Megagame Assembly Podcast Recap of Gen Con Special
Watch the Skies! After-Action Report (Operative Control)
Sickle: A Fan-Made Scythe Megagame After-Action Report 1 (The Castle of the Republic of Polania)
Sickle: A Fan-Made Scythe Megagame After-Action Report 2 (Gunter Von Duisburg of the Saxony Empire)
Den of Wolves (Thursday Game) After-Action Report (Captain of the Lucas)
Den of Wolves (Sunday Game) After-Action Report (Captain of the Salvador)
Design retrospective from Alliance: Last Days Designer: Lessons learned from mistakes made (Part 1) & Lessons learned from mistakes made (Part 2)
Thanks for all the game organizers, volunteer moderators, and players who made Gen Con 2019 a huge success! We increased the number of games we’re putting on by 50% and are discussing increasing the total number of games more next year! And a special thanks to the players who filled out player feedback forms, that feedback lets us know what to improve on next year and which games to run.